Study Emphasizes Caregivers’ Challenges With Psychosis, Urges Enhanced Support

A study reviewed first-person accounts from caregivers, family members, and individuals with psychosis, highlighting themes such as dealing with unexpected diagnoses, searching for reasons behind the disorder, living with difficult emotions, coping with loss, feeling lost in fragmented healthcare systems, and struggling with stigma and isolation. Caregivers expressed a need to be active partners in care, faced challenges in communicating with affected individuals, and dealt with uncertainties about the future.

The study’s findings suggest that caregivers experience a range of emotions, including shock, guilt, anger, and frustration, as they navigate the complexities of supporting a loved one with psychosis. The lack of preparation and support from healthcare systems often exacerbates their struggles. Caregivers also face isolation and stigma, further complicating their role. The study calls for greater recognition of caregivers’ experiences and the need for targeted interventions to support their well-being. By understanding the multifaceted challenges faced by caregivers, mental health professionals can better address their needs, ultimately improving outcomes for both caregivers and individuals with psychosis.

Reference: Estradé A, Onwumere J, Venables J, et al. The Lived Experiences of Family Members and Carers of People with Psychosis: A Bottom-Up Review Co-Written by Experts by Experience and Academics. Psychopathology. 2023;56(5):371-382. doi: 10.1159/000528513. Epub 2023 Jan 23. PMID: 36689938; PMCID: PMC10568611.

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